If you are looking for a full time or a part time japa maid it can be a very difficult process if you don’t know any good agencies who supply maids. Few tips :
A clear job description: Before you hire a maid, make sure your job descriptions are known to the maid. Before she starts work explain her in detail what kind of work will she need to do? Will she also have to cook ? Do you have a dog in the house? Will she require to sleep over sometimes? Does she require to speak English? If your job description. Whatever is your requirement, have a clarity. You will not want to haggle with the maid later.
How much salary of the maid? : Too less salary and the maid will leave as soon as she gets a better salary in the building. Too high a salary and you might not be able to afford her. Every building has a salary standard that you should enquire before looking for a maid in mumbai
Leaves and police verification: Always discuss and clarify how many leaves will she get given in a month Although this might come at a cost, but you should always get the police verification of maid done before you hire the maid in Mumbai and Thane. The average cost of a police verification of the maid is between Rs. 2500 to Rs. 3500 depending on the police station. A small price to pay for your safety Bookmyjapa.com is the online most trusted maid agency in Mumbai which supplies high quality Japa Maid. Visit their website and watch prerecorded interviews of maids and hire them. There are other recruitment agencies which are not recommended since they are not registered